Transdisciplinary early treatment

We start working with the child at an early age, ideally 3, 4, 5 years old. The approach is transdisciplinary, and we work as a team: pediatrician, ENT specialist, physiotherapist, speech therapist.

Through early orthodontic intervention, we correct the lack of space and malocclusions. In collaboration with other specialties, we also ensure that the child chews, breathes, and speaks better.

“Children, for various reasons, often exhibit malocclusions and lack of space primarily due to two reasons: soft chewing and mouth breathing.”

Why are there more children with small jaws nowadays?

Teeth grow straight when they grow in bones of adequate size. The jaws of today’s children are very small; they don’t have the proper development because children breathe poorly and have a very soft diet during crucial stages of growth, from birth to 6 years old.

What is the first sign?

El primer signo es la respiración bucal, dormir con la boca abierta, roncar de noche. Cuando todo esto pasa en un niño en crecimiento , cuando cumple 5 o 6 años , no se ve una arcada amplia y con espacios sino un dientito al lado del otro sin espacio para los dientes definitivos que miden el doble. El beneficio más importante para la salud es pasar de ser respirador bucal a ser respirador nasal. La respiración bucal tiene un efecto adverso en la salud en general, afectando el desarrollo normal.

¿What is malocclusion?

The main malocclusion in modern children is mouth breathing, which is often followed by atypical swallowing and poor posture.

What can parents do?

Consult with a specialist in guided facial growth at the age of 3. At this age, a specialist can guide parents in their child’s growth.

What is a transdisciplinary treatment?

Working with the child as a whole, with the assistance of the ENT specialist, pediatrician, speech therapist, physiotherapist, and psychologist.

The 4 pillars for a healthy smile

Discover the key factors for optimal dental health. From myofunctional habits to breathing patterns, learn how to care for your smile comprehensively.
  • Breastfeeding
  • Chewing
  • Daytime and nighttime nasal breathing
  • Proper oral rest posture

Our main goal is to create space for all dental pieces and train the tongue to position itself correctly on the roof of the mouth for a stable treatment.

The ideal development of the jaws and teeth depends on a correct oral posture.

That’s why we advise the following:
  • Tongue resting on the palate
  • Lips in contact
  • Teeth in light contact for 4 to 8 hours a day