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Orthodontist with over 25 years of experience in guided facial growth for children.

Hello, I’m Marisa Santos, and I have over 25 years of experience treating children. My specialty is guided facial growth, and in my daily practice, I work with children starting from the age of three, collaborating with a transdisciplinary team. I’ve been running my private practice at the Pediatric Center in Monte Grande for 24 years. Surrounded by specialists, our main goal is to ensure that each child grows up healthy, primarily breathing through the nose and maintaining proper posture, allowing every child to reach their maximum potential. Working alongside specialists has allowed me, from the beginning, to go beyond focusing solely on teeth and malocclusions. I’ve come to understand that orthodontists and pediatric dentists play a crucial role in the growth of preschool-aged children.

My approach is transdisciplinary, which means I involve all the necessary professionals to address the issue comprehensively.

The turning point in my career was the decision to study in London with Prof. John Mew, complete my diploma, collaborate in the translation of his book ‘CAUSA Y CURA DE LA MALOCLUSIÓN’ (CAUSE AND CURE OF MALOCCLUSION), and focus on identifying and treating the causes at a very early age. This involves addressing aspects such as breathing, body posture, chewing, and oral rest posture.
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Research and conference presentations